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1 William Barnett-Lewis  May 10, 2014 11:37:07am

Take a close look at the laws they’re supporting. The last draft of the MN one I saw was worthless.

If the NRA supports it, you can be sure it does nothing to get guns out of the hands of domestic abusers.

From the HuffPo piece:

Those changes, Bassett and Wilkie wrote, include altering a provision that will now, if signed into law, allow alleged abuser to surrender their guns to friends and family instead of the state. And although it might only be a minor edit, it could be monumental news for anti-violence advocates who for ages have fought, albeit unsuccessfully, against lobbyists from the NRA who have tried to all but abolish anything that may interfere with the Second Amendment to the United States’ Constitution’s right to bear arms.

Think about that - the accused’s family is supposed to hold these weapons and keep them away from them. Some will, I am sure, but many more won’t.

I also dislike the idea of government holding weapons - police departments have too much incentive to, basically, steal the goods in question as they do with drug case confiscations.

A better idea than either would be to have a neutral third party - bonded and an FFL holder - be required to store the firearms until the case is fully adjudicated. If found not guilty, they can be returned. If found guilty they can be sold on the open market (since the holder is an FFL) and the proceeds minus any court fees or fines returned to the original owner.

That would actually accomplish something good however so you can bet the NRA would fight it tooth and nail.

2 FemNaziBitch  May 10, 2014 11:50:06am
A better idea than either would be to have a neutral third party - bonded and an FFL holder - be required to store the firearms until the case is fully adjudicated. If found not guilty, they can be returned. If found guilty they can be sold on the open market (since the holder is an FFL) and the proceeds minus any court fees or fines returned to the original owner.

That would actually accomplish something good however so you can bet the NRA would fight it tooth and nail.

I agree, and may be relinquishing my life membership to the NRA very soon.

They don’t represent the best interest of gun owners. They represent the best interest of gun manufacturers.

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